Where do diamonds come from?

It is absolutely natural to wonder how diamonds are formed, especially if you’re an avid collector.

Due to the immense pressure and extreme temperatures that occur in this part of the earth, a diamond gradually begins to form naturally. Whole process takes between 1 billion to 3.3 billion years, which is approximately 25% to 75% of our earth’s age.

The first unearthed diamond

Discovered in India in the 4th century BC. Quickly dispersed along the ancient trade route, the Silk Road. Some of the ancient civilizations believed that diamonds were gifts from gods and that they bring health, wealth, and strength.

As the earth was cooling from its violent cosmic beginnings as a molten planet, intense pressure and heat created the diamonds we continue to extract to this day and age.

100 miles deep into the earth

Precious Stones

The beauty of diamond formation occurs on a layer separating our hospitality from a hardened center known as the mantle. Temperatures boiled above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and pressure exceeded to 725,000 pounds per square inch. The extreme heat and pressure combined actually modifies graphite, a crystalline carbon on the atomic level. This reconstructs graphite molecular composition from a hexagonal sheet pattern into a triangular shape, resulting in diamond.


All diamonds as far as we know are quite ancient. There are some diamond deposits found a little younger though. As the rock itself, the Kimberlite. It was most likely discovered about a hundred million years ago. The way they examine and determine the date of the diamonds is by typically looking at the inclusions of the minerals in the diamond that can be dated radioactively.

According to new studies published in last year, one of the most overlooked facts concerning diamonds industries, is that the world’s diamonds mines are rapidly depleting. Within a quarter of a century, the majority of the 45 most notable diamond mines operating today will cease to exist, and the last diamond will be unearthed in 60 years. Diamond prices will rise as supply wanes.

Precious Stones Authentic diamond

Increase in value at an even greater price, while the “second-hand” diamond market will flourish.By the time our grandchildren purchase their first diamond, most mines will have reached the end of their life cycle, and most diamonds will be sourced from the second-hand market. These inevitable circumstances will make the “pre-owned” diamond arena the largest “mine” in the world.


Two generations may not seem like a period of time relevant to us. Although maybe we can relate a little better to the idea of long-term investment. A couple of decades is a timespan that seems almost insignificant, but more immediate effects may stimulate the future. Take Australia’s Argyle as an example. Famous for being the produces of most of the world’s pink melee diamonds and they have about 2 to 3 years at most before they shut down.

The state of mind we need to adapt is, your family’s diamond collection will most likely become the most valuable portable asset available in the coming centuries.